An unexpected email from prolific writer Dawn Colclasure! We both like sharing tips and deals – and the latest news is her book, Fabulously Frugal, is now out in ebook. Nice to see my contributions made it to the final edit.
About the book, Fabulously Frugal:
Want to repair bad credit? Start saving money? Find out how to live frugally without making sacrifices? This eBook will give you the strategies to make it all happen. Fabulously Frugal will help you solve your money problems and get you started on building up your savings!
Learn strategies for saving money for emergencies, how to spend less on home repairs or at the doctor’s office, be a savvy shopper who knows how to find the best deals, and afford everyday costs like transportation, school expenses and utilities. Additionally, money-saving experts share secrets in this book on how to get the best deals!
Money-saving strategies included in this book:
• How to travel on a budget
• Enjoy your passions without breaking the bank
• Celebrate holidays or special occasions for less
Fabulously Frugal will help you tackle your financial issues and share how to enjoy more in life for less!
Click here for Dawn`s blog